On 1st and 2nd December we were with a stand at the Fun & Serious Game of Bilbao. Those days was also the Talent Day, BBVA Mobile Game Day, where conferences were given with some stellar speakers of the caliber of Ray Muzyka, Oscar Clark, Jordi Paco Fernando Prieto, Luis Olivan, José Herráez, Gina Tost, Arturo Monedero and Raul Rubio. Many of them, an inspiration, others also, colleagues who have helped us a lot and great people.

During the days of the stand we were nonstop to meet industry professionals, gamers and students, of which we get very good feedback for the games presented, The Last Moa and Unlock Memory. We were able to try many games from other studies, networking and meanwhile to go to a conference.

Received very good feedback, desire to get ahead with projects and a good way to keep growing :)

We could learn a lot these days and we also had time to visit a wonderful city of Bilbao. The last day, we attended the Indie Awards Developers Burger as it is usual and it was a memorable night. Meet colleagues from other companies in a more relaxed and friendly atmosphere, to have a good time with these people, it was probably the best.

Hope that for the next edition, we can go with the new game, Way of Redemption, and that you can enjoy it as we do developing it!

More info http://www.funandseriousgamefestival.com/actividades/emprendimiento-networking/empresas-y-estudios-presentes-en-la-expo-industry-zone/

In the youtube video David Garcia goes from 2.04 and the RTVE, reportage is from 06.59
