Posts filed under:development


Lo habéis pedido y han llegado, los 3 tutoriales iniciales. Podréis aprender lo básico de lanzamiento y acciones, entender las habilidades ofensiva y defensivas, tanto básicas como definitivas y ver los tipos de combo. Queremos agradecer a Borja Pavón por [...]
development, Games, Pixel Cream, Uncategorized| Tags: | Comments: 0


¡Muy buenas a todos, aspirantes! Como ya sabéis, estamos muy contentos de estrenarnos a través del servicio de PS Plus de PS4. Se trata de un acceso anticipado a una versión no acabada al que tendrán acceso todos los usuarios […]

development| Tags: | Comments: 0

Technical Beta

Welcome, future heroes of the arena! The free PC beta version of Way of Redemption was launched on November 18th through Steam. If you want to be part of it, just ask one code and we will send it to [...]

Streaming Solidario

Tenemos la enorme suerte de formar parte del Streaming Solidario que hará L3TCraft este viernes 18 y sábado 19 de noviembre. Gracias a ellos, podemos aportar Way of Redemption para una buena causa, en la que todo el dinero que [...]

Best Game of 2015 by PlayStation Spain

We received the award for "Best Game 2015" by PlayStation Spain, along with nominations for "Best Art" and "Best innovation game". We are very surprised by this, while happy and proud to receive this recognition. In times of development, a [...]
development, Games, Pixel Cream, Team| Tags: | Comments: 0

Madrid Games Week & 3D Wire

We will summarize a bit what happened this October. A few months ago, we decided to go to Madrid Games Week and one week later to 3D Wire, since we had won the opportunity to go through Made in Spain, [...]
development, Games, Pixel Cream, Promotion, Team| Tags: | Comments: 0

Mobile World Congress in Barcelona

Last February we were fortunate to attend the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, in an exciting and motivating week. The first day we could attend an event that became separated from the main hall, where more indie companies exhibited their [...]
development, Games, Pixel Cream, Promotion, Team| Tags: | Comments: 0

Fun & Serious Game Festival of Bilbao

On 1st and 2nd December we were with a stand at the Fun & Serious Game of Bilbao. Those days was also the Talent Day, BBVA Mobile Game Day, where conferences were given with some stellar speakers of the caliber [...]
development, Games, Pixel Cream, Promotion, Team| Tags: | Comments: 0

The Last Moa & Unlock Memory

Después de un largo tiempo sin poder postear nada, volvemos con muchas noticias! Lo escribimos en castellano, ya que vamos saturados de faena y así acabamos antes. Estos últimos meses hemos estado con muchas restructuraciones de personal, métodos de trabajo, […]

development, Games, Pixel Cream, Promotion| Tags: | Comments: 0

Events, events and more events!

This week we’ll be in a lot of events! In first place, the 24th we will attend the PAD Congress, to which we are associated, presenting Atlantis as a project for a university, and knowing other studios. From the […]